Learning how to skate by playing!
What is Pre-CanSkate?
Our pre-school-aged program gets your little skater learning the basics of skating in a fun and interactive environment. This is a great start to your child's skating endeavours.
The Pre-CanSkate program is a 30-minute un-parented program designed for children 3 to 5 years of age, who have not had any significant time on skates or that are not yet confident on the ice.
Approved "CSA Hockey Helmets" are mandatory, and children will not be permitted on the ice without one. Bicycle helmets, ski helmets, or any other helmet other than an approved "CSA Hockey Hemet" will not be acceptable
This program teaches children the basics of how to get up and fall properly, how to move forward and backward, basic balance movements, and how to stop
Lessons are taught by Skate Canada Certified Professional Coaches and Trained Program Assistants in a group format
These sessions are shorter in length (30 minutes) to accommodate the younger skater
Skaters will learn in an energetic, fun environment using skating aids, games and toys to keep them interactive
Children must be toilet-trained
Once a participant has gained confidence and shown skill in gliding on each foot, stopping, and getting up from a down position they can move on to the CanSkate program
Skaters are to be dressed warmly for classes including waterproof mitts or gloves. Snow Pants are also recommended
You can choose to participate Monday and/or Wednesday from 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM